Dr Jay Calvert Videos

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Implant Exchanges: When Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation Occurs

One of the highest risks of breast augmentation is capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is a natural bodily reaction to having a foreign objects placed in the body. The body produces tissue that forms into a scar, which grows around the implant, eventually hardening and becoming unsightly and painful.

There is currently no method of predicting whether or not an individual's breast augmentation procedure will result in capsular contracture, nor is there any data to back up why this problem occurs. While there is no specific data as to the cause of this problem, there are several theories. Capsular contracture may be caused by injuries to the implant area, blood build up around the implant or bacteria on the implant when it is placed during surgery (though the likelihood of this is very slight.)

There are ways to lessen the chances of capsular contracture occurring. Capsular contracture is less common in saline implants that in silicone, though if you have small breasts, saline implants can wrinkle and become unsightly. When implants are placed underneath the layer up muscle, contracture is less common. This type of placement also affords a more natural look and feel. There is a belief that textured implants have a lower risk of capsular contracture than smooth ones.

Capsular contracture sometimes results in the removal and replacement of implants or scoring of the scar tissue around the original implant. Either way, doing nothing is not an option. While all implants have a capsule form around them, it is only when the scar tissue becomes excessive that the condition is qualified as capsular contracture.

Because breast augmentation surgeries have soared in popularity in recent years, a surge in capsular contracture cases has occurred. This surge has resulted in many women questioning whether or not breast augmentation is a good choice to make.

Advances in technology and surgical techniques are making breast augmentation safer and less risky. If you have concerns, only a board certified cosmetic surgeon should answer them. Dr. Calvert is a board certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Calvert, the best and one of the most well respected, well known cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, visit http://www.drcalvert.com/.  

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