Dr Jay Calvert Videos

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cosmetic Procedures for Men: Otoplasty, Botox, Fillers and More

The world of plastic surgery and outpatient procedures isn't just for the ladies anymore. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2008 over 800,000 men had cosmetic procedures performed. It is a delight to women that men are taking more of an interest in their looks. Cosmetic procedures can drastically improve the appearance of both men and women. Not only do men's looks improve, many times their self confidence and relationships also improve.

What procedures are the guys getting? In the realm of non surgical procedures, Botox injections came in at number one, with over 225,000 procedures. Laser hair removal was number two at 179,708. Coming in at a distant third place with 62,428 was Hyaluronic Acid treatments.

Surgical procedures enjoyed less robust numbers, but still boasted an impressive number of procedures performed. Liposuction was, surprisingly, the number one performed surgery, with 31,453 men electing to have the procedure. Rhinoplasty came in second place, with 30,174 surgeries performed. Coming in a close third place was eyelid surgery with 28,678 procedures performed.

Botox injections are commonly used and are simple and safe. An injection of Botox blocks nerve impulses from the nerves to the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. Botox relaxes the muscles and the skin returns to its smooth, unwrinkled state of years gone by. The injection allows untreated muscles to contract normally, which allows normal facial expressions to remain natural.

Laser hair removal is performed using intense pulsed light (IPL) epilators, which target melanin. When done properly, laser hair removal is virtually painless and more effective than electrolosis. The FDA approved Soprano T and Soprano XL systems are considered the "Gold Standard".

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing fat deposits from various areas of the body. Some of the most common surgery sites are the thighs, hips, buttocks and stomach. While results are permanent, diet and exercise are the only way to guarantee fat deposits will not return. It is imperative to maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle..

Rhonoplasty is a very common procedure, where the length, width, size and/or shape of the nose is altered. Most people are not happy with their noses, so it is no surprise that this cosmetic procedure came in second place. The surgery is reportedly painful, but success and satisfaction rates run extremely high.

Cosmetic procedures are elective, and are often expensive. It is important to be sure that the surgeon chosen is an appropriate choice. Be sure to find someone who has board certification, participates in continuing education and has excellent references. Dr. Calvert, MD, FACS is a board certified plastic surgeon who is well respected in his area of expertise. To schedule a consultation appointment, please visit http://www.drcalvert.com/

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