Dr Jay Calvert Videos

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Breast augmentation is the leading common cosmetic surgical procedures in today’s cosmetic surgery market. Many women seek this particular surgery to feel better about themselves. Recently, a new product known as the IDEAL breast implant is being looked into and there is discussion as to when it would be available to the public for a clinical trial. Dr. Jay Calvert, one of the nation’s most respected Cosmetic surgeons, has been selected to investigate these new breast implants.
These implants are said to have the same result as traditional silicone gel, but are believed to be significantly safer. The clinical trial has started to accept patients willing to submit themselves to the procedure and commit to checkups following the procedure for the next 10 years.

With the constantly growing demand of breast augmentation surgery, scientists are striving to develop new tools and procedures that will make surgery a lot safer for the patient. In the midst of these new developments is the IDEAL breast implant. Dr. Calvert will be one of the surgeons conducting the clinical trial. He was selected due to his twelve years of experience and level of skill.

Breast Augmentation is one of the more popular procedures done by Dr. Calvert. He customizes each patient’s procedures based on their individual needs and desires. Calvert states, “I strive to produce an enhanced, natural look by balancing the capabilities of the surgical techniques with the woman’s desires. Since each woman is unique, each operation must be tailored to produce the best possible outcome for each patient.”

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is the first step towards getting a person’s desired results.  Careful steps should be taken in order to find a surgeon and make sure that he stays in line with what the patient wants. Dr. Jay Calvert is a certified plastic surgeon with excellent know-how. A good fraction of his patients look to him to perform breast augmentation because he is very skilled in this aspect of cosmetic surgery. For more information visit: http://www.jaycalvertmd.com.