Dr Jay Calvert Videos

Friday, April 23, 2010

The History of the Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery has been dated back to over 4000 years ago with our earliest ancestors performing image improving procedures. These surgical procedures were often performed on facial injuries requiring serious reconstruction techniques. These early procedures were always accompanied by deep massive scars. Skin graphing has been dated as far back as 800BC with doctors and physicians performing it in different regions of India.

During the earliest wars, injured soldiers were receiving different plastic surgery procedures to fix injuries caused in the war by explosives, grenades, gunfire, etc. Wars made plastic surgery popular and as a result of the large number of injured soldiers, the physicians were never short on practice. World War I which lasted from 1914 -1918 brought thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers to the footsteps of every local hospital needing various forms and degrees of facial reconstructive surgery.

By 1931 plastic surgery was everywhere in the United States and the American Society for Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) was formed.  Te ASPS set a higher standard for all physicians performing plastic surgery.  This board set the bar high for aspiring physicians and only the best experienced doctors can consider themselves part of this elite group of professionals.

In 1939 when World War II began, America had multiple experienced knowledgeable plastic surgeons on hand to replace and re sculpt facial tissue and bone. The procedures at this time were not as advanced as they are today and still resulted in a large amount of scaring. Due to this scaring many people avoided plastic surgery unless it was necessary as in war injury cases. This is before celebrities and wealthy people began to go under the knife to alter their appearances.

 The ever advancing techniques have made plastic surgery a household word in many homes across America.  Today the ASPS is stronger than ever with more and more techniques being learned and used each day. Dr. Jay Calvert is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon specializing in all forms of plastic surgery located in California. Dr. Calvert is a well known and experienced plastic surgeon with an impressive education background from all of the most prestige universities in America.  His kind and dedicated team of nurses and staff are there for you throughout your entire procedure to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Unwind while recovering with their extended stay suites with independent care and physical therapy.  Allow Dr. Calvert and his team of doctors and nurses help give you the appearance you have always wanted. Visit http://www.jaycalvertmd.com and schedule your sit down consultation with Dr. Calvert today to get started on the best change of your life.